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Our specialties

In this area, we present our operating segments.
For more details on the services,  contact one of our attorneys.
Tax law

Tax law is the segment of financial law that defines how taxes and other related obligations will be collected from citizens, in order to generate revenue for the State.


The services consist of consultancy in the fiscal and tax area aimed at planning for companies to reduce the burden of taxes.


Social Security Law

Social Security Law is a branch of public law arising from the achievement of social rights, its objective is the study and regulation of the social security institute.


The services consist of recounting the length of service, re-retirement, updating of retirement values, health treatment in specialized hospitals in Brazil and abroad.

Administrative law

Administrative Law is an autonomous branch of internal public law that focuses on the study of Public Administration and the activity of its members.


The services consist of serving companies that supply products or services to the government.

Labor Law

Labor law is the set of legal norms that govern the relationship between employees and employers, they are the rights resulting from the legal status of workers.


The services consist of lawsuits, contesting overtime, retirement amounts, premium leave, among others.

Consumer Law

O  consumer right  is a branch of  right  that deals with conflicts of  consumption  and with the defense of consumer rights.


The services consist of indemnification actions for moral and material damages, undue charges, abuses suffered by online commerce, and more.

Real estate law

O  real estate law  is the branch of  Private right  which deals with and regulates various aspects of private life, such as the  condominium, the  rent, purchase and sale of real estate, adverse possession  and the  financing  gives  House  own.


The services consist of indemnification actions for abuses by construction companies, such as delivery delays, undue charges, unfair market practices, and others.

Business law

Commercial law or business law is a branch of private law that can be understood as a set of rules governing the business activity of the entrepreneur, and of any individual or legal entity


The areas of activity in the companies are: tax, labor, foreign exchange, bankruptcy, economic, criminal, international and others.


Electoral Law

Electoral Law is dedicated to the study of the norms and procedures that organize and discipline the functioning of the popular suffrage power, in order to establish the precise equation between the will of the people and the governmental activity.


Legal advice to parties and politicians.

Superior Courts

This area consists of the follow-up of cases, which are being processed in the Superior Courts, in which the office is acting as a legal representative.


This service consists of the preparation of theses, opinions and appeals, as well as oral support in the hearing of judgments of the processes.


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